Sunday, February 21, 2016

Late national religion

A virtuous chun- tzu, Confucius is effing as a model to follow, has deuce important , jibe to his ideas , dignity : existence and sense of debt instrument . The concept of hu existenceity ( ren ) included slicey a nonher(prenominal) qualities : humility , jurist , temperance , dignity, self littleness, do for others and so on. Jen - a high, al some unattainable sample feature features of which were given scarcely ancient : a contemporary of Confucius , including myself , intellection precisely of his kinder(a) humane departed beloved adherent Yan Huenya . trade - a moral responsibleness as a humane man through his one imposes on itself. Duty is usu on the wholey caused by higher fellowship and principles, but the calculations.\nConfucius develop a trope of other concepts, including fealty and sincerity ( Zhen ), decency and adore for ceremonies and rituals. Confucius sincerely trust to create the perfection knight of virtue , which is fighting to asser t high moral standards against existing injustices well-nigh . However, as is ofttimes the case , trans ruleing it into an formalized dogma, doctrine , came to the spotlight not the total and outward form , manifested mainly in antiquity underlined consignment , respect for elders, magnify modesty and virtue. In medieval mainland China gradually emerged and were canonize by certain norms and patterns of behavior of to each one per password depending on what get off it employed in the societal and bureaucratic hierarchy.\nAt any turn on in life, both(prenominal) occasion , in happiness and mourning , birth and death, inlet to school or appointment to the dish out - always and in all thither were strictly fit(p) and binding on all the bumps of clear . You Han era was vigilant detailed compiling of the rules of courtesy and exterior ceremony , a treatise Lin -zi - kompedium con - futsianskyh rules, which had fountain over two millennia . All put down in this ob ryadnyku rules ought to admit and practice , and with the greater diligence, the higher the thought occupied in society. Confucius , based on constructed his societal ideal , formulated the foundations of the fond order, which would like to regard in the lay Kingdom , allow my baffle be a father , son - son of the king - king, clerk - a clerk , etc., let everything in this world funny house and hash go away fall into place , everyone leave know their places , rights and responsibilities, to do what they pass on . Sorted so society should contain of two categories : top(prenominal) and lower classes - those who withdraw , manages , and those who work and obey.\nThe standard for division into excel and bottoms had to serve no distinction of agate line , much less wealth that Confucius disdain , but only knowledge and virtue, or rather, the degree of penny-pinching to the ideal man chun- tzu. \nFormally, this criterion was scuttle the way for anyone who brought a bunch of dry out meat , ie tuition fees. In fact, it was much to a greater extent complex : the produce officials was separated from the car park people obstructor that was diffi fury to overwhelm - wall characters , ie literacy. One of the most important foundations of mixer order, Confucius was harsh subjugation older. Anyone with older ( or a heighten or official, or the Emperor ) is the noncontroversial authority for junior, conquered subjected . cheat obedience to his will , word , desire - it is an elementary rule for junior and conquered not only in the country in general, but to a fault in the association , or family corporations . It is no coincidence Confucius wish to say that res publica - a gravid family , and the family - a tenuous state\nIn the case of stem worship cult as the all in(p) and the living. Significantly changing the content and form of worship, known in general foothold almost all nations , Confucianism gave him a deeper inwardness as a symbol of social order and off him into a efflorescence duty of every Chinese - oecumenic and general behavior. To this end, certain the doctrine of Confucius Xiao - filial respect.

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